Our powdered 8 herb essiac tea is nature's health remedy. Ingredients are Burdock Root, Red Clover, Kelp, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark, Turkish Rhubarb Root, and Watercress. Essiac tea is used to treat so many forms of illness. Essiac works to rebuild a healthy immune system by ridding the digestive system from the buildup of harmful toxins. Works so fast and efficiently on people suffering from type 1& 2 diabetes. Mainly known for treating people suffering from cancer. We also send all information on brewing, dosage, how to take your tea, ingredients, benefits, testimonies, and the history of Essiac Tea. A 4oz. bag of essiac tea will make 1 gallon of tea . So a 1lb. bag of this tea will make 4 gallons. Drinking 9oz. daily a gallon will last 2 weeks. So 1lb. of tea making 4 gallons will last 8 weeks drinking 9oz. daily. Company : Back To Good Health