BUTTERFLY PEA FLOWER TEA · Butterfly pea flower tea is an herbal drink made from dried butterfly pea flowers steeped in water. · It’s caffeine-free. · Comes from a plant called clitoria ternatea that’s native to Southeast Asia. · The flowers are deep blue in color with a tinge of purple that colors and flavors the water. Clitoria ternatea. · The color goes from blue to purple when the pH level changes. Adding something acidic like lemon juice changes the color. It’s like magic! · Contain antioxidants which helps to protect your body from cell damage. Benefits of Butterfly pea flower · ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTI INFLAMMATORY BRAIN BOOST TO HELP REDUCE THE RISK OF BLOOD CLOTS IMPROVES EYESIGHT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH STABILIZES BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS BEAUTIFIES THE SKIN STRENGTHENS HAIR AID IN DIGESTION FIGHTING DISEASES Butterfly pea tea or some called Blue Tea is naturally blue and made by collecting butterfly pea flowers, Also known as Asian Pigeon Wing or clitoria ternatea flower as science name, in bloom during the early morning hours which are then immediately sun dried. No chemicals are used in the process nor while growing the flowers, so you can be sure to receive a 100% natural flower. A beautiful colorful tea that can be brewed either hot or cold, and blue or purple! The Butterfly pea flower is an incredible blue plant that has been used for centuries in Thai traditional cooking. When the dried flowers are brewed, the drink turns to a delightful blue. If you then squeeze a slice of lemon into the tea, it magically turns from blue to purple right before your eyes. This fun drink can be mixed with syrup, honey and lemon to give you that sweet, herbal taste. Bartenders from all over the world are using our butterfly pea flowers in their cocktails. This tea can also be made cold by adding ice, turning it into a delightful summer drink. Thank you for visiting our store