Yuen Kut Lam’s Kam Wo Tea Herbal Tea 源吉林甘和茶 x 3 Boxes Condition: New In Box, Original Packing Packing : ( 6.8g x 10 bags ) per 1 Box Qty: 3 bo xes Description : For product details, please refer to the instructions on the packaging. Due to different batches, product images are for reference only The origin of the product varies based on the batch, and the actual receipt shall prevail. How to use: 1) Take 1-3 bags of tea and then dilute it in warm water 2) Take once a day 3) Don't take it on empty stomach Shipping : We ship Worldwide from Hong Kong via Hong Kong Post Airmail with Bubble Wrapped , (International Air Mail with tracking number) We ship daily Monday - Saturday. Orders will be shipped within 48 hours (Usually within 24 hours) Spain, Germany, France EU and South American other country , Shipping period might be longer than (20 - 30 working days). 源吉林甘和茶 「源吉林」甘和茶,又名“盒仔茶”,歷史悠久,至今已有200年。盒仔茶「亦茶亦藥」,平時可作涼茶飲用,清熱消滯,調理腸胃,解渴生津;當出現頭痛、骨痛、發燒等,感冒症狀時,可作藥用,老少鹹宜。 優點 : 治感冒、清熱滯、解暑熱、醒醉酒 使用方法 : 每日一次,每次2-3包,用開水泡服 規格: 6.8克*10包 / 盒 成分組合 : 藿香、荷葉、布渣葉、甘草、防風、黃芩、梔子、金銀花、葛根、香薷、淡竹葉、青蒿、紫蘇葉、紫蘇梗、木瓜、苦杏仁、蒼朮、茵陳、烏藥、桑葉、苦丁茶、澤瀉、檳榔、薄荷、連翹、砂仁、山楂、黃連 儲存方式 : 存放於密封容器或乾爽地方,以免受潮。 請注意 : 切勿空肚服用;熱飲對感冒療效更高。